Monday, December 6, 2010

My Baby is 3!

Where has the time gone? E is now officially a 3 year old with all the attitude and energy that go with it. I still remember her being this teeny tiny little thing when we brought her home from the hospital....

We had her party on Saturday and everything turned out very well. I procrastinated getting invitations out to everybody but the ones that showed were the ones that mattered anyway. It works out great that the non-family people show up early/on-time, and the kids get to play without all these strangers around. So nice.

It was kinda funny that after all the little kids ate lunch, they all had to go #2. So in sequnece all three little kids went to the bathroom or were changed, and it was done! We were very proud of E since putting poo in the potty is not a consistant thing yet. To do so with a house full of people is pretty impressive.

E has one young cousin who loves to play with her. There is easily a 6 year age difference, but they get along so well. It really is nice when you don't have to worry about what they are doing. Heck, the cousin helped clean E's bedroom (Not that it was bad beforehand). Then they (E mainly)pulled every book off her bookshelf. There was quite the pile of books laying there. Thankfully it was contained mainly to the one corner so it could have been worse. I took pictures of course!

After the party we then went to the Winter Nights and Lights parade downtown. It was COLD! Thankfully the parade only lasted about 20 minutes, but it was still fun none-the-less. E didn't care for the hot air balloon burner that came by shooting flames 20 feet into the air. It was pretty cool but all she said was "I want to go back to the van." Alot of the other little kids didn't like it either, but at least we didn't have any tears. She was tired since she had a short nap, but we made it through the day with no issues.

All in all it was a great party, and great weekend. Everything worked out very well. I think the party planning will start getting a bit harder in the next coming years as E will want to have more say in what goes on at her parties. Oh well, I have another year to put it off until the last couple weeks. It's hard to acknowledge how much my little girl has grown up. She's changing so much lately, the time goes by too fast.

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Safe Winter Jacket Use in Carseats

To keep our babies safe, use the thinnest jacket possible under the carseat straps or zip the jacket over the straps. Check out Car-Seat.Org for more info.