Alas another week has come and gone. I most certainly did NOT allow my little girl to stay up all day long on Saturday with no nap to speak of. I absolutely did NOT try for two hours to get her to lay down only to have the afternoon waste away. We did however have a good cuddle time, but alas no nap. Surprisingly she wasn't that cranky in the evening. I still am not ready for her to be done with naps entirely.
I most certainly did NOT hustle J through doing her laundry saying I need to get mine in the wash only to again let the evening waste away and not do laundry at all. Thank god for a short work week previous - I still had a change of clothes to wear. I also did NOT have plans to change out all bedding and get that washed this past weekend. Nor did I just leave above mentioned bedding on the beds and continue on with our merry ways. Maybe next weekend...! How long can I keep saying that?!
To top it all off, I most certainly did NOT bribe E with cake (J's leftover birthday cake) or "chocolate" after she ate some of her cold cereal yesterday morning just to get her to eat a little something more for breakfast. She did choose the "chocolate" (Nutella). Love that stuff and so does E. I offered her vanilla wafers to dip into it, but alas she chose to just use her fingers and dig it out of the bowl. There was NOT "chocolate" everywhere! Oh well, could be worse!
Check out My Charming Kids for more Not ME Monday entries. You know we are all so perfect we just have to blog our perfections to the world!
Makes me wonder if the bribing is starting too early! :) I think it is the lesser of two evils.