Wednesday, August 26, 2009


E loves puppies...and kitties... and...

E got to pet some "puppies" last night. One of our neighbors has miniature pinschers (their own and ones they foster for a rescue group). Every night they go out for a walk and sometimes we are outside to see them and other times not. Well yesterday evening J, E, and I were outside playing and talking and the "Pins" went for a walk down to another development, and we happeend to still be out there when they came back.

Peggy was nice enough to stop and chat for a while and was able to get Brownie and Honey calmed down enough for E to pet them. Actually she only got to pet Brownie as Honey is a little unpredictable with kids, but Ella had a blast. We chatted for a while, haven't been able to do that for a while. E was so happy petting Brownie and "talking" as well. After a while the novelty wore off, and she decided to go play elsewhere in our yard, but that was the highlight of her evening. Ever since we had to put Duke down back in January, she is very interested in other dogs, cats, etc. outside.

In the house, E is very particular where Simon the cat sits/baths/sleeps when she is in the living room. The last couple of days she gets "upset" when he is in Daddy's chair or in the other big chair where she would normally sit. Even though she has no interest in getting into the chair with him or using the chair if he is out of it, she still thinks she must "claim" it. Need to work on sharing at home and outside of daycare. She does great at daycare (as far as I know), but she is starting to say "mine" and claim spaces for herself more. Got to love will be pretty interesting the next few years.

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Safe Winter Jacket Use in Carseats

To keep our babies safe, use the thinnest jacket possible under the carseat straps or zip the jacket over the straps. Check out Car-Seat.Org for more info.